Cruise Ship Job Vacancies
Applicants are encouraged to check the list of current cruise ship job vacancies on a regular basis to locate openings/positions that match their qualifications, experience and personal motivation. Once a match is found, applicants should send their résumé/curriculum vitae with a reference to the cruise line job position applied for by clicking on:

Cruise Ship Jobs: Ongoing Recruitment
Cruise ship medical jobs
Cruise ship culinary jobs
Cruise ship hospitality jobs
Cruise ship technical jobs
Cruise ship urgent hiring
Cruise ship jobs available
The cruise ship job vacancies listed above are the ones communicated by the cruise ship companies hiring now. The recruitment team of Pro Sea Staff updates this list on a regular basis. We therefore suggest that you consult the list of current cruise line jobs regularly. Please ensure that you have the required experience prior to submitting your application.
IMPORTANT – Due to the volume of applications received, Pro Sea Staff is not in a position to reply to all candidates. Only those who have the required qualifications and experience and for whom a job position is available at the time of applying will be contacted by the Pro Sea Staff team.
It is also important to note that cruise ship job vacancies listed below may have recently been filled at the time you send your curriculum vitae.
All résumés/curriculum vitae received will be saved for a period of 1 year.